How to Winterize a Vacant House for Sale

Winterize a vacant house

How to Winterize a Vacant House for Sale

Winter is coming along faster than many of us would like, and that means snow, sleet, ice, and frigid temperatures. As homeowners look to the skies and watch the birds flock to fly south, they need to consider how to winterize those vacant properties on the market to make sure that they remain in stable condition for potential buyers to come through.

What are the steps you need to take to protect a home from cold weather? How can you stabilize it against the ravages of winter environmental conditions? Discover some tips and tricks to winterize a vacant house for sale to ensure that it remains not just secure, but in good shape while it’s on the market.

Winterize a Vacant Home

It’s essential to winterize a vacant home, whether it’s a summer home you’re closing down or are looking to sell it, but it’s still on the market. Fortunately, wintering the home is just a factor of taking a few basic steps and precautions to protect it overall.

Adjust the Thermostat

Keep the gas bill on for the vacant home. You don’t need to keep it toasty warm, but you will need to keep the pipes from freezing, and that means heat. Adjust the thermostat to around 50 to 55 degrees. This will prevent plumbing damage.

Shut off the Water and Gas

Every home has a main water valve inside. Shut off the water feed to the house from this valve. This is another essential step to protecting your home. After shutting off the water, open up your faucets and flush the toilets, then leave them open to prevent pressure buildup.

Likewise, shut off your gas lines to prevent unintentional accidents and ruptures that could be dangerous.

Bundle Up!

Just like you need to bundle yourself up against the cold, you need to bundle up your home. Put on the storm windows. Close up the shutters. Secure outdoor furniture and décor, and consider weather stripping on your closed and locked windows. Close the damper and flue on the fireplace. Clear the gutters. Anything you can do to insulate the place against cold and precipitation, do it.

Unplug the Lights

If you’ve got lights in the home, in the form of lamps and the like, unplug them. You’ll save money on phantom energy use, and will protect against the potential for electrical fires related to short circuits.

Check the Sump Pump

If you have a sump pump in your basement, check it and be sure it’s functioning properly to avoid the potential for flooding. Moisture in your basement can quickly turn into mildew or worse—black mold that can create a health hazard which can be expensive to clear out.

Ask Your Realtor

If you’re working with a realtor, ask them for tips to winterize a vacant home. They’ve likely been through it before and they can provide you solid advice on how to keep your home safe and warm. In Cumberland, WI, your best option for a realtor you can trust is ReMax Northstar. Read about us, and give us a call to get started today!

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